понедельник, 9 февраля 2015 г.

No Equipment Arms Workout for Runners

No Equipment Arms Workout for Runners

Hello! How’s it going? Over here it’s going great! I got in a good run with some fast miles in the second half this morning. I really need to get it together immediately. I am on a mission.

8 mile run marathon training blog (460x613)
8 mile run marathon training blog (460x613)

Post-run I made a green smoothie and topped it with apple crunchies. I love these! I usually top my smoothies with slivered almonds, but ended up snacking on a lot of nuts while making the smoothie (you know, because it takes so much time #sarcasm). So, I didn’t put as many in the smoothie but still wanted crunch.

what to eat after run (460x613)
Want to see something sad?


Oh, that makes complete sense that you wouldn’t come to this lil blog to get depressed. I HATE sad stuff.


Oh well. I’m going to show you anyway. Avert your eyes if you’re having a sensitive day.

Yesterday I saw a cat just chilling on top of a car during my run.

Today I saw a dead bunny that someone put a flower on… I’ve seen this lil bunny for a few days now and just ran past. But the flower caught my eye and I had to pay my respects.

as seen on my run (800x600)
as seen on my run (800x600)

Today Vegas and I put together a quick arms strength workout you can do after your run. I know most of us struggle with making time to do cross training and strength training when running is the priority. Well, no excuses – you can do this in about 10 minutes at home.

me and vegas blog 2 (460x613)
me and vegas blog 2 (460x613)

Run Camp Day 4
Run Camp Day 4

Run Camp Day 4 – Strength Training

How often do you strength train? If the answer is never or rarely – do this upper body strength session TODAY. You have to do the work if you want changes to happen.

No equipment Arms Workout for runners

  1. Push-ups
  2. Plank with shoulder tap or reach (alt arms)
  3. Inchworm
  4. Triceps dip
  5. Superman
  6. Reverse plank
  7. Bent over fly

30 seconds each. Repeat 2x.

I aim to do strength training 2 times a week. I focus on upper body and core.

I’ll usually pick a Beach Body on Demand workout that is focused on one of those areas and skip the lower body because it’s always so tired. You can also find at home workouts on Pinterest OR hit the gym for a circuit workout.

Question: How often do you do strength training?

Original article and pictures take runeatrepeat.com site

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