среда, 6 декабря 2017 г.



Why rely on just vertical only exercises to strengthen your lower body? While effective at first, the plateau is inevitable.

With the Wishbone you are able to squat in many different angles which allows you to engage additional muscles and evenly balance the entire lower body.

Once you incorporate additional angles into your lower body strength training, these forgotten muscles, you will be able to quickly blast through that plateau to a new personal record!







Purmotion Wishbone lineman squat with traction. Alternative to squat. Lower body exercise.

Most of the exercises prescribed in the weight room for running, jumping and quickness lack one of the most essential elements--the propulsive force. This is the force that enables you to move forward, backward and side to side.

Squatting at an angle via the Wishbone, (aka Landmine squat), enables you to load the additional muscles responsible for locomotive movement.

Adding this athletic advantage in the weight room could be your ticket to a winning season!

Unfortunately, many of the traditional exercises used in the weight room are hard on the body and can lead to long-term issues.

This is a reason that many have to abandon traditional training as they get older. But with the Wishbone, you can load safely for a lifetime.

The Wishbone moves the load to the traps and not directly on the spine. It allows the wrists and shoulders to remain in a neutral and unstressed position. It provides optimal alignment for the knee and lower back.

The movements using the Wishbone are naturally corrective in nature and help the user gain full range of motion. Now you can worry less about long-term side effects and focus more on improving your lower body.

Purmotion Wishbone attachment hack squat for lower body development.

Welded steel construction with laser cut detail. Plate pegs sold separately.

Requires a stand for squatting exercises and a mounted Renegade.

Weight: 30 pounds

Width without pegs: 30 inches

Width with pegs: inches

Purmotion plate peg set for Wishbone attachment.

Purmotion plate peg set for Wishbone attachment.

To use the Wishbone effectively, you need a stand to raise the bar off the ground so you can get under the Wishbone to do all the squat variations.

Think of the Renegade Stand as the "J"-Hooks in a traditional rack.

Original article and pictures take www.purmotion.net site

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