Tone and strengthen your core and rear with this 30-minute gut & butt workout – no equipment necessary!
We’ll be focusing on your core and butt with fun moves that you can do without any equipment other than your body, an exercise mat and a clock. By strengthening your core and glutes, you’ll be giving your overall muscular structure a boost – helping to improve your posture, prevent lower back pain, and make your workouts more effective.
You’ll use eight moves that alternate between working your belly and working your butt so you can minimize your rest time and keep your heart rate up throughout the workout.
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Interval training is great for fat loss, which helps you reveal the lean muscle you build with these strengthening exercises.
To complete this gut & butt workout:
- Perform each of the 8 moves for 45 seconds. Rest 15 seconds between exercises.
- Take a 2-minute break after completing each circuit.
- Repeat the circuit 3 times, for a total of 30 minutes.
- Beginners: Modify each move by going slowly and/or changing your work-to-rest interval to 30 seconds work : 30 seconds rest.
Glute Bridges | 45 seconds
Glute Bridges are one of the best butt toning exercises because they place little to no tension on your knees.
Lay flat on your back with your arms down by your sides and bring your heels close to your butt. Press your heels into the floor to raise your butt up off the floor, forming a triangle shape with your body.
Squeeze your butt at the top, allowing your knees to fall slightly open, then slowly lower your butt back down to the ground without resting.
Continue for 45 seconds. Focus on the contraction of your glute muscles and keep your core tight.
Double Crunch | 45 seconds
These work your upper and lower abs at the same time!
Lay flat on your back, bring your hands behind your head, and lift your feet up about 4 inches off the ground with your knees bent. Start by flexing your abs to lift your head, shoulders and arms off the ground while bringing your knees in towards your forehead. You should get a slight lift underneath your hips as well.
Flex your abs hard and then gently return to the starting position. Repeat exhaling with each contraction for 45 seconds.
Prisoner Squats | 45 seconds
This squat variation is especially good for the buns because holding your arms up overhead maximizes the load of a body weight squat.
Hold your hands lightly behind your head with elbows wide and lift your chin up. Open your feet to a wider than shoulder-width stance with your toes slightly pointed out.
Sit back and down as if you’re sitting in a chair, but pause when your thighs are parallel with the ground. Keep your chin up and your eyes looking straight ahead. Return back to the standing position and squeeze your butt muscles.
Continue for 45 seconds.
Standing Oblique Crunch (alternate sides) | 45 seconds
Stand tall with your hands just behind your head, keeping your elbows wide. Shift your body weight to the right side and lift your left leg while crunching your upper body so that your knee and elbow meet.
Slowly lower back to the starting position, and then crunch on the other side. Keep your eyes focused on the floor for better balance. Alternate sides and continue for 45 seconds.
Note: If you are having trouble balancing, try doing one side at a time while holding onto a wall.
Standing Glute Kickbacks | 22 seconds per side
Start by bending forward and propping your hands on top of your right knee. Make sure to keep your head, neck and spine in a straight line. Raise your left leg up behind you until it becomes parallel with the ground. Pause and squeeze your left glute.
Slowly lower back down to the floor, just touching it instead of resting. Keep your spine in a neutral position and your chin down. Continue all reps on one side for about 22 seconds and then switch.
Note: If you have trouble balancing, you can hold onto a wall or a chair.
Plank Knee Unders (alternate sides) | 45 seconds
Planks are amazing at slimming your waist. Start in a high plank position with your hands just under your shoulders. Lift your right foot about 6 inches off the ground, and then crunch your knee towards your nose. Round your shoulders and back and tuck your chin towards your knee. Ideally, you want to make contact between your knee and your nose.
Return back to plank position and switch sides. Alternate sides for the 45-second interval. Make sure to contract your abs with each knee under, exhaling forcefully during the contraction.
Squat Hold Lunge Backs (alternate sides) | 45 seconds
These may look easy but they are indeed super challenging. Start in a squat position aiming to maintain a 90-degree bend with your knees. Keeping the weight in your squat, stick one leg out behind you to form a lunge position.
Return to the squat position, staying low, and move the other leg back. Aim to maintain your low position throughout the entire 45 seconds. You may stand up for short rest pauses when needed, but best if you can stay low the entire time.
Toe Touch Crunches | 45 seconds
Toe touch crunches are a good way to motivate yourself to crunch higher, since you have something to reach for.
Lay flat on your back with your legs straight up in the air and toes flexed. Raise your arms straight up as well. Then crunch until your fingertips touch the tips of your toes. Relax back to the starting position and repeat.
If your hamstrings are too tight to keep your legs straight up, bend your knees slightly. If you feel tension in your neck, place one hand behind your head for support. Continue focusing on your abs for the entire 45 seconds and exhale with each crunch.
Final Note
I recommend including this workout in your fitness routine at least 3 times per week for best results. After several weeks, you will notice a firmer, tighter butt and a flatter, more toned midsection.
(Your Next Exercise: 41 Butt Exercises to Tone, Lift, and Strengthen)

Original article and pictures take d39ziaow49lrgk.cloudfront.net site
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