четверг, 20 октября 2016 г.

The Benefits of Owning Home Fitness Equipment

The Benefits of Owning Home Fitness Equipment

Do you want to lose some pounds, get in shape or you just want to be healthier? But you have no energy to go out early in the morning to have jogging or running? Don’t you want to spend your expensive time with traveling to the gym and waiting for the machines? Or you just like working out alone?

If that is the case owning a home gym or at least a good fitness machine is the answer for you. There is a lot of fitness equipment you can choose from these days and they do not cost an arm and leg.

Depending on your budget you can buy high quality pieces of equipment for several purposes. You can purchase different cardio machines such as

A good example

treadmills, steppers or stationary bikes, etc. under $200 if you want to burn calories at home.

Other fitness equipment such dumbbells, barbells, ab machines, etc. are even cheaper.

TIP TO SAVE MONEY!If you are lucky you can purchase tools at discounted price. You can use our online tool to find discounts easily on Amazon.

I have my own home gym with weights, dumbbells, barbells, benches and a station which I use for calisthenics workouts. I did not purchase everything at once, I saved up some money and bought the things when they were on discounted price. (I got rid of some of my bad habits such as buying the latest PC games to save some bucks.)

To tell the truth, I spent about $1000 on my home gym which may look too much. But I can perform complete weight, bodyweight and cardio workouts whenever I want. Nobody disturbs me and I can use these equipment for many, many years. Plus, we can workout together with my wife and with my kids in the future.

Overall, I did not regret spending that money.

What are the benefits of owning home fitness equipment?

Workout Whenever You Want

The most important thing is that you can exercise whenever you want. No matter if you like training early in the morning or late at night because you are too busy. Personally, I do my workouts after my workday to empty my head and refresh my body after sitting long hours in front of my PC. I do not have to jump into my car to go to the nearest gym stuffed with people. I just go to my home gym, switch on my favorite music and start training. That is all! I save time, energy and money!

This what I don’t want

Nobody Disturbs You

Unless, you do not go to a huge center with hundreds of machines, you will have to wait in order to use equipment. What is more disturbing, when people are standing next to you waiting to finish your session. I honestly hated that when I went to the local gym several years ago. People standing next to me and talking about stupid things did not let me concentrate on my workouts.

You save a lot of money!

The prices are very different, but the minimum you have to pay is about $40-50, but usually around $100, for a monthly gym membership. When I went to the local gym I paid $70 per a month. Of course, it was better-equipped than my home gym, but I did not use half of the machines even once. Plus, since it was not close to me, I went there by car. This way, in the end I paid over $100.

As I said my well-equipped home gym cost me a thousand dollars, price of 10 months membership.

Overall, if you add up how much you can save annually, you will be surprised at how much more advantageous having exercise equipment at home.

Which is the best home exercise equipment?

It depends on your fitness level and your aims. If you want to lose weight, keep yourself in shape and want to develop your health then cardio machines such as treadmills, rowing machines, etc. the way to go. Watch the video below to see their benefits.


If you want to build muscles then you should purchase some weights and tools which allow you perform weight exercises such as adjustable dumbbells, barbell, weights, etc.

For bodyweight exercises such as dips, push ups, pull ups and others the best all in one solution is a power tower.

Watch this guy talking about basic home fitness equipment for beginners.

Before Purchasing any Product

It is crucial to check out reviews, warranty and product details before purchasing anything. Find out if the products is right for you and it is worth the money, you may look for some alternatives. However, stick to quality ones even if they are a bit more pricey, in the long run they will cot less.

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Original article and pictures take demo.mythemeshop.com site

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