With the new year, I know most people have the resolution to “get healthy” or “get in shape”, so I wanted to help you by making a list of the BEST equipment you can purchase to make your own home gym.
I don’t know about you, but I love working out at home. I usually get some cardio in, like running or biking, in the morning, and then at night I will usually get my strength workout in while I watch one of Nik and I’s favorite shows (Game of Throwns, Dexter, Peaky Blinders, House of Cards…), it’s how I tell myself that I’m getting quality time with Nik — he’s usually on Reddit anyways!
I also love that in the freezing Minnesota winter I’ve experienced the last year, I don’t have to leave my warm, cozy apartment to trek through -2 degree temperatures… (<– like today…the California move can’t come soon enough! ) And when I leave these sub-zero temperatures, I will definitely be bringing my equipment outside! (Can you say beach workouts?!)
All the equipment on this list is perfect for home gyms, and for those of you who like working out outside, or if you travel a lot, many of the things on the list are extremely portable.
I have each of these pieces of equipment and I can say that they are some of the best and most versatile pieces of equipment you could own in your home. If you invest in a few good pieces of equipment, you may be able to skip out on a monthly gym membership and save yourself some money over the long run! $$$

Foam Roller – Foam rollers are essential for maintaining healthy AND happy muscles when you start an exercise routine. Once you get used to how foam rollers feel, you will LOVE that you have your very own masseuse. This foam roller is the absolute BEST on the market, and really digs in deep to tight muscles. Breaking up “knots” in the muscles allows you to move properly and reach your full range of motion while exercising, allowing for increase strength and mobility.
Dumbbells – This is kind of a no brainer, but I wanted to add it to the list anyway, because dumbbells are some of the most versatile pieces of equipment you can get. If nothing else, I would recommend a few sizes of dumbbells for your home gym!
Kettlebells – If you’ve never worked out with a kettlebell before you are missing out! Kettlebells are amazing to combine strength AND cardio workouts together for an effective and quick workout that will burn a TON of calories. They are one of my favorite ways to get a fantastic HIIT workout in and make me feel bikini ready. I would recommend starting with a 12-18 pound kettlebell to start, and then building up your strength from there.
BOSU Trainer – If you’ve seen any of my BOSU workouts, you know BOSU Balance Trainers are another favorite of mine. They are so great for increasing your balance, but they are amazinggg for cardio workouts. I love this PINK one, but they also have them in blue if you need it to be more gender neutral!
Yoga Mat – I absolutely love this yoga mat from Yoga Design Labs. I have their “Chevon” mat and I have full review here. This is the ONLY yoga mat I have ever tried that is truely “nonslip”. (I have pretty sweaty hands!) Plus, the mat under your toes feels incredibly soft! If you’re serious about working out at home it’s better to invest in a good quality mat than have to replace a $15 mat ever few months. I use this mat 5 times a week and it’s still just like new — and relatively inexpensive compared to most mats of the same quality!
TRX Suspension Trainer – I still can’t believe I haven’t posted a TRX workout here yet. I PROMISE this year I will get at least one posted! TRX’s are so. much. FUN. and they are HARD…which makes them perfect for your home gym! Sometimes they even have the pink set — they usually have them around October for Breast Cancer Awareness. But either way yellow or pink set, they are the perfect addition to any fitness lover out there, and they are perfect for outdoor workouts too!
Jump Rope – If you’re looking for one of the best cardio workouts to do at home, invest in a jump rope. You can burn as many as 100 calories in just 10 minutes of jumping. I promise you you’ll be feeling after just 2 minutes! I recommend getting a speed rope, as it’s much smoother with each jump.
Stability Ball – Stability balls have been one of my favorite pieces of equipment since I first started teaching fitness classes 10 years ago, and that’s because not only do they make almost any exercise more challenging, but they also are one of the BEST tools out there to target your abs. (I personally have the purple ball pictured above and love it! Find the same one here.)
Resistance Bands – You ladies know how much I love my resistance bands. They are so versatile and the best part is that they travel well, making them perfect for not only your home, but also if you love to travel or travel frequently for work. My favorite bands are this set, which come with five different resistances, handles, ankles straps, and a door anchor…it literally has EVERYTHING you need for a great workout –and at only $32 it’s a STEAL!
Pull Up Bar – This is another piece of equipment that hasn’t yet made a debut on here. But, I LOVE my pull up bar. I swear there is no exercise better for building a beautiful back than pull ups. I use my at least once or twice a week, and the more you practice, the more you can do! I remember when I first starting doing pull ups I could barely do ONE! Now I can do 4 sets of 15 no problem!
What’s one piece of equipment you can’t live without at home?

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Original article and pictures take thelivefitgirls.com site
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