The plan starts with 10 squats on day one. Each day you'll do five more than you did the day before.

Every six days you take a day of complete rest (no squats!) and then start back up where you left off. Easy.
Master the technique with the tips below from personal trainer Rob Sulaver, C.S.C.S., and founder of Bandana Training in New York City.

Here's what you need to know to master the movement:

A few more things to know:
• New to squatting? Sulaver recommends squatting onto a chair until you're comfortable with the movement and can deepen the squat. When you're ready, move on to the bodyweight squats you see demo'd above.
• Need more of a challenge? If you can already do lots of bodyweight squats with ease, start incorporating a dumbbell and perform goblet squats like the one you see here.
• As the number of reps increases, break your daily total into manageable sets. Remember that good form is important for getting results and not getting injured. Take a break before your form starts to suffer.
• As always, be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine.

Build A Camp In Animal Crossing And We’ll Tell You What Animal You Are
Ah, welcome! You must be the new camp manager!

Original article and pictures take www.buzzfeed.com site
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